
December 26th, 2024

 Joy is something you have to find
         I see poetry in the shadows on the sidewalk
         And in the names of streets I walk past,
         Just taking a moment to breathe.
         I hear joy with every step I take, 
         The charms I have filled every key ring with singing their tune.
         They match their rhythm to mine.
         Happiness isn’t permanent,
         It’s an action and a choice.
         It’s hidden in the gust of wind that dances right by,
         Gently caressing you and tossing your hair, 
         And choosing to giggle in time with its lazy sway.
         Satisfaction is found after
         After you listen to its melody
         After you feel it around you
         After you see the kindness of life
         Satisfaction is not something to seek
         But joy is, happiness is
         One has to create the life they need
         Satisfaction follows 

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